At the end of our animal unit in Science (approximately mid to end of March), there will be a cumulative project involving three parts: A handwritten paragraph, an art project and an oral presentation.
Please remember your child's project is to be student-driven (for all three portions). You can help your child but don't complete it for them. Also, the paragraph should have only words they can explain and understand. Their speech can be reading the paragraph, but also they should be practicing looking up at the "audience" and speaking loudly. They should be able to explain their art project as well and how they completed it. There will be a rubric specifically outlining each part of the project and students will have 3-4 weeks to complete it prior to their assigned presentation date.
I hope your child and you both will fun with this project! Below are some pictures of projects from years past but please don't limit your child's creativity and duplicate a project from below. The pictures are to help give you both ideas but not to copy other projects. Students usually REALLY enjoy this project and their writing and speaking skills at this point in first grade are ripe for this kind of challenge.