Sunday, May 19, 2013

STEM In Class Activities

Recycling old crayons

(Solids to liquids to solids--
Energy in the form of HEAT makes the change possible)

Just out of the oven...The class loved their mini cupcake crayons!

Ordering animal tails in inches from least to greatest and greatest to least...
Ask your child if they remember the animal tails they had and how their lengths.

Did you know a bobcat's tail is only 8 inches long?

A lion's tail is 36 inches!

Fountain Rock Field Trip!

Living Organisms Program 
May 2013

Ms. Alice discussed the walking stick's adaptations with us.  It's hard to see, but it's on her palm!

We observed the toad eating and the food chain in action.

Rosy the tarantula

Having fun on the pond observation deck!

Observing the quarry pond organisms...we could see the turtles, but not much else due to the algae.

Ms. Terri had us demonstrated the food chain with puppets. 

We touched a snake!

Thank you parent chaperones!