Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello Parents,

Homework is on one of the tabs on the blog and spelling words are listed at the bottom.  Here is a Kids National Geographic game we played today while learning about maps and globes; http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/multimedia/interactive/maps-tools-adventure-island/kd/?ar_a=3.   It will be on the blog as a game also.  We are learning about big ideas and details in paragraphs and writing a fall paragraph using an organizer.  In reading, we are looking at non-fiction and fiction text fextures (think photos, tables of contents, index and story elements-characters, setting, problem, solution).  In math, we are exploring subtraction and using different strategies to find the difference. 

I’ve made some changes to homework books and behavior management recently that hopefully will be helpful for everyone.  Homework books (yellow dot) can STAY HOME during the week so it’s one less thing that might be left at school. J  Since our last day of school is Thursday this week, please make sure they have all their homework finished and ready to turn in on that day. 

So you can stay informed as to your child’s behavior, in the back pocket of their red folder is a monthly calendar.  The color key written on the side of the calendar explains the color they have colored in the box for the day.  If your child has moved their clip on the school wide behavior chart up by the end of the day, they will color either yellow or red on the box.  If they do improve their behavior, then they will color in green for the day.  We are working hard as a class to remember to raise our hands, use our listening ears, and follow directions.  Some of you may wish to use the calendar as an incentive for a reward.  It does not have to cost money-free rewards like your time and attention are often the most desired. J  For example, if your child has green all week, then they get to pick a movie or tv show to watch as a family.  They may get to pick out a board or card game to play together (board games encourage patience, good turn taking skills, sometimes math skills, and they are fun!). 

The Book-it Pizza Hut program green papers are due at the end of October.  Please don’t forget to complete the bottom of the paper, with you and your child’s signature.  This should be a positive incentive to get them reading!!  Reading homework can count towards their minutes.

If you want to order Scholastic Books the orders are due by this Thursday, Oct. 18th.  Remember, there is a link on the class blog.  You can browse and pay for books from the SeeSaw, Lucky, and Tab (for grades 6-8…my daughter never brings home a book order, but I still can use the points for class books).  I ordered 6 free books for our class just from two parent orders last month. J I can’t wait to read the Pete the Cat books to them! 

Don’t forget our Fall Party is coming up soon on November 2.  BUT, because our specials start at 1:55, I’d like to move up the party to 12:45-1:50 to ensure we have enough time for students to pack up and get to specials on time.  If you are coming to help set up, please be here by 12:30 so we are ready to PARTY at 12:45.  Thanks again to our room moms, Mrs. Vicari and Mrs. Jeram, and to the many parents volunteering by sending in supplies, food, and coming in on November 2nd! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

We had great weather for our field trip this time. As you can see from the pictures, we had a blast! The bus trip on the way home was very quiet compared to the bus ride to the patch. We were worn out! :)

Summer's Farm Pumpkin Patch

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Field trip on Wednesday!

Yeehaw!  We have five chaperones planning to join us for the Summer's Pumpkin Patch on Wednesday.  Thank you!!  

Parents, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather (70 degrees and 10-20 mile winds) and the venue...you may even want to pack a change of clothes, including shoes, as they will be going into the corn pit, down slides, and jumping on the bouncy pillow!!  Send their packed lunch if you indicated on the permission form they will have one from home.  Buyers will pick up their bagged lunch from the cafeteria in the morning.  

This trip is usually a favorite, so I can't wait to share some fun pics of our adventure tomorrow!

Please see the 10/5 blog post on MATH if you haven't read it yet...it explains the commutative property...pre-algebra in first grade! :) 

Also, the website has a new, clean, layout thanks to some FCPS tech help...tabs are at the top for your reference; homework, daily schedule, recommended links, etc.  Don't forget, Scholastic is on the recommended links with our class activation code and you can order from SeeSaw, Lucky and Tab (for middle schoolers or your older children).

Have a GREAT Wednesday!!
Mrs. Gowin

Friday, October 5, 2012

Commutative Property of Addition OR in first grade lingo "equal sums on both sides of the equal sign"


Math - diving into unit 2

In the first weeks of school, we reviewed addition and some math vocabulary; plus sign, number sentence, equation, addends, sum, counting on, counting by 10's and 1's and place value (counting models of tens and ones and identified how many groups of tens and ones composed the number).  We also solved horizontal and vertical math problems and how the equal signs are different for both. Students explored flip flop number sentences, where the addend just flip flop and the sum is stays the same (5+1=6 and so 1+5=6).  We used a double tens frame and cubes to explore this concept.  At the end of last week the class took our Unit 1 test.  Monday you'll receive a score sheet for your child with their grade and concepts they passed or did not on the test.  I was happy to see so many students understood the concepts!  We have some budding mathematicians!!  If your child did not pass the assessment please remember we constantly review all concepts previously taught, so there is ample time throughout the year to master concepts.  Any test is a snapshot and is not the one and only assessment tool when determining if a child "gets it".  

This week we began talking about decomposing numbers and looking for patterns...(Example from Wed. night HW; 10+0=10, 9+1=10, 8+2=10) and from there are beginning to explore the commutative property of addition...if 5+1=6 and 1+5=6 then does 5+1=1+5?  We are such super mathematicians we are now testing to see if 5+1=2+4 while use our manipulatives, like unifix cubes and tools such as number lines, tens frames and drawing pictures.  We are not however, substituting letters for numbers like in the video below...it is just a reference for you to "brush up" on some math vocabulary.  :)

As you can see, we have been quite busy!  Encourage your child to use other tools, even coins to practice counting by tens and ones (dimes and pennies) AND to try to their best.  We want them to be risk takers and to have the confidence to make an educated guess instead of worrying about being right, therefore not trying or participating in their own learning.